8th Annual RGML


\8th Annual Russ Giordano Memorial Lunch

Class of '67 - SJCI

It all began with Jim.
Then Gene and Tony participated.

Then John really energizes one while conversing with Dick.

Dan is amused by it all (as are Dave & Karl - I think!) ... it's all about gesticulating!
Dave & John perform the libation-greeting maneuver.
Koz uses the wrist-cuff-thumbs-up gambit, while John employs the chin-block-wonderment articulator, as both are amazed at Jack's sideburn-pointing-insight innovation.
As rare as a photo of Einstein in fuzzy slippers, Drew, Tom, Dick, and Harry (Ed) exhibit a 4-peeps hand-warmer-standoff!
Gene rapidly has an affect on Joe with his inverted-pistol-emphasizer (see above); Tony is still figuring out the dual-twin-finger-point-maker; and Tom is patient.
Dave gives his California-sideways-'peace-brother' motion, and Gene counters with the crossed-arm-courtly-response-to-prosecutor's rejoinder.
Yep, Joe and Jack exchange the libation greeting, but Jack adds a twin-wink option for which I have no explanation.
The libation-greeting maneuver is trending
as shown by Dave and Tom, but wait ...

at John's energize-it signal, Dave adroitly converts the maneuver into a wet salute, as Tom ponders his part in the upbringing of these two geniuses!
Paul shows the politically correct way to use the you're-giving-me-a-headache sign.
Jim and John witness Kevin's five-finger-tilted-head-I'm-lost pause.
Karl offers John a papal greeting, and John finds that the cross-chest-see-the-time retort works well ... don't be confused, Paul and Dan are just playing a Simon Says hand gesture matching game.
Tom gives us a double-big-Aloha greeting!
Paul indicates I'm-recording-this, as Jim wonders why his thumb is up once again.
Paul uses the surreptitious-bent-finger indicator to warn Tony that Dan is approaching.
Tom deploys the crossed-arms-'I-think-something-is-missing' signal, as Dave uses the hidden-pinky-'I-hope-you-don't-notice' parry.
John looks confused - he sees the pinky, but not the thumb ... good move Dave!
Hey Joe, I'm a little fuzzy on that point.
Tom and Gene
Ed and Tom
Drew and Dave
Craig looking spiffy!
Drew and Paul
Paul exits as Jim captures his audience (John)!
Fran, Dave, Jim, Paul, Drew ... you may have nticed that Jim is practicing the chin-block-wonderment articulator.
Jim, John, Jack
John and John
Dick and John
Dave and Tom
Tom and Jim belly up to the rabbit food.
Paul and Jim



Getting down to business!

Tom must be chatting.
Tom asks for attention as John tries.
Tony ponders the rumor that the beer bottle is super-glued to Jim's paw!
Jim, The Flash, Jack
Paul and Tony
The Cyclops!
Jim and Dave
All those that couldn't join us!



Bye - Happy Halloween!

Class of '67 - SJCI

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