December, 2018 at Rizotto's Restaurant


69th Birthday Party

Class of '67 - SJCI

Half of Jim,Tony and John

Tom, Joe, Gene

Tom ...
... with the bartender's back turned,
Tom contemplates! 

John, John, Skip, Tom  
Fran, John, Tom

All those that couldn't join us!

Tom, Dave, Kevin!  
Phill & Russ

Jim & Jack - fine drinks!
Under the watchful eyes of Fran & Craig,
Tom demonstrates the correct way
to ignore a conversation!

Craig, Tom, Fran
Tom, Spitz, Dale

Really Jim, I'm Santa - I have the beard!  
As Jim's emissary,
John asks Skip to prove the beard is real!
John loads up!
Tom loads up!

Jim tries to find it, 
as Dale tells Fran to keep it to himself!

Gene, Dave, Kevin ...
and Tony!
Charley couldn't join us,
so Gene stepped in for the Grumpy Act!



John & Gene! 
John asks Gene how Tom got in the picture

Wait a minute, hold on, Dave, you've given
Kevin a senior moment! 

 Kevin shields himself from celestial inspiration
... apparently enjoys the moment!

Jack comes to Kevin's rescue!
Fran joins Kevin in a senior moment 
as he searches for his name tag!!

Tom and John provide cover,
as Paul takes his turn with Tom!

Skip & John team-up on Tom! 
 Skip goes it alone with Tom. 
Tom reenacts pointing to the blackboard 
and Skip actually looks!

Tom & Dale present themselves to Tom
As Karl and Tom wait their turn,
Dale spins a tale of new world order ...
we await Tom's retort! 
Karl debriefs the Class Prez!
Dale, Tom, and Tom
let Craig know to stand on Tom's Left side!

The party's over

The After Party

Thanks, Tom!!

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