December 7, 2014 at Eagle House Restaurant

65th Birthday Party

Could only fit half the guys in the group photo ...
Oh well!  We'll get the rest of you next year!

The parade in our honor ended
at the Eagle House Restaurant ...
The throng begins to gather!

Tony, our Postmaster General, checks Ed's ID!

Joe & Pat greet one another ...
 ... And the entertainment begins ...

Tom and Gene sing 'Silent Night'!

Some are interested ...
Bob checks the time!
(Karl hides John Monte)

John massages his pain!
Craig is under-awed! 
Mike and Tim share a moment  
"Breeze, you were the one that said we 
just had to show up!"

It's Kevin's turn on stage?
(Where's John Monte?)

Kevin shows us his Statue of Liberty impression
- other hand big guy ...  
Pete would rather gnaw his index than watch!

Craig & Pete fortify themselves!

Jim wonders if it will end
and Cliff bows his noggin in disbelief!

Steve, Kevin, and Craig are hatching a plot!

Danny and the Joe's are amused!


Gene checks the  program,
as Paul advises against any 
politically incorrect mumblings!

Joe finds relief by watching his Scotch
to make sure it doesn't get away!

John Hart planned on joining us!
So did Ed Mayer,
but apparently he got lost and
ended up in North Carolina!

Paul, Tom and Kevin!


(John Monte is hiding!)



Carl pleads his case
"Please go easy on me, this is my first time here!"

Danny bends over laughing and
the Breeze gives Carl an empathetic grin!

John and Charley give Carl the
expected Class of '67 reply!

Kevin, Joe, Jack, and Paul
review the evidence of Carl's plea,
and respond accordingly!

John O'Brien joined us ...
but then he didn't!

Dan O'Donnell needs a trip advisor?!




Pat, Dave, Carl

 Dan, Paul, Jim, Cliff, Karl, Joe


Paul, Kevin, Tom, Fran, and Tom
Joe and Paul

Jack teaches Breeze the Tarantella!

Sadness abounds - Ed wants to learn the steps ...
as Tim, Dale, Jimmy, and Tom
take Ed's wish under advisement!

Tom, Dale, Jim and Tom are all thinking:  
'Wish Buzzy was here!' 


What's going on over there ...
OMG, it's Spitz again!

              Cliff remains steady!
Tom, Gene, and Dale pose because they
had nothing better to do!

Fran takes a snapshot of Karl's back! 
... never can tell when that may come in handy!



Kevin shows Steve how he'll claim his chair
as President of the Bar Association of Erie County!

Kevin listens intently, as Steve formulates 
an appropriate State Department response!

It could only happen here -
Jack squats so that we can see over him!

She's with us again - yay!
Oh yeah, and Kevin, too ...

Seriously Kevin, she's giving you the stink eye!
Jack and Paul
Fran, our very own paparazzo, does a great job!

"Stick it where the sun don't shine",
so we took our best candidates and stuck them!

Paul enjoys a moment in the dark
by catching some zzzz's!

Tom: "From the very first study, almost a hundred years ago,
it has been clear that hand clasping
is not a simple genetic trait." 
Tom and John are mesmerized!

Is this how ya do it? Yep, looks good!

John demos the 'elbow support hand clasp' 
to the total disinterest of
Pat, Dave, Carl, and Charley!

Reegs and Paul in the beginning stages
of advanced hand clasping!
Kevin talks up hand clasping to Steve
(John Monte tires to hide!)

Dale invents the 'stick your hand clasp in a flame' technique
... Jimmy resists the urge!

Carl tries the
'Open the church and see all the people'
hand clasp ... a bit backwards, but so was Spitz's statue!

Paul's had his fill ... bye-bye!


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