Announcements - Our Endowment

Class of '67 Endowment Fund - 50 by 50

Class of '67 Endowment Fund - 50 by 50 - Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dear Members of the Class of ‘67, 

As many of you already know, we, the Class of ‘67, have established a named endowment fund at SJCI.  In order to have a named fund, the principal balance must be a minimum of $25,000.  We have satisfied this minimum, in fact, we have surpassed it. The current total is $39,000. 

As we get closer to our 50th anniversary, it is now our desire to grow the class endowment to at least $50,000 by 2017.  This is actually easier than you might think especially if we whittle away at it gradually.  We are asking you to consider a gift of $10-$20 per month for the next 45 months until May 2017. This level of giving will enable us to achieve our target by our 50th/Jubilee anniversary. 

The school has been working with us to allow electronic giving if this makes it more convenient.  

The school has also agreed to suspend solicitations to the annual fund for participating class members while we are undertaking this appeal. 

You will be receiving a special mailing to announce this program. 

Please join us to achieve our goal. 

Thank you, 
John Hart
Tom Kingston
John O’Brien
Joe Reger
Kevin Spitler

$50K by 50

$50K by 50 - Monday, October 22, 2012

Wanted to share the
attached letter from Bob Scott. 

We are one of only sixteen classes in the history of our beloved alma mater to have an endowment!  That speaks volumes about each of us, and all of us.
It would be great if we could continue our generosity by getting the fund to $50,000 by the time we celebrate our 50 year reunion.  We’re going to call this campaign “$50K by 50”.


We Made it - Saturday, June 30, 2012

"The Class of 1967 Endowment Fund had a balance of $28,525 as of June 30, 2012."  Nice going guys!! 

Getting There - Thursday, May 10, 2012

As of today, we're doing well ... may be able to announce something at our reunion get-together! 

2012 Scholarship Campaign

February 2012

Five years ago we started a very noble effort to support the students of our alma mater … we started the Class of ‘67 Scholarship.  And now our goal is to fully endow that fund. 

The generosity of all of us has brought our total to $20,000, and in order to reach the finish line, we need a last effort of $10,000. 

We are shooting for 100% participation to accomplish this. We are confident that as a team we can meet this goal, and announce our accomplishment at our 45th Reunion on June 22 – 23, 2012.

Give what you can, as every dollar counts, but please make a gift to support “OUR” scholarship and make this goal a reality.  We are setting a target of $200 per classmate.  If you can do more – great, but whatever you do please give something … 100% participation would be as big a win as attaining the endowment status!

Use ths form to designate your gift to the Class of ’67 Scholarship.  You will see that you have a choice of different payment options, including making a pledge and spreading your gift over months or years.  Should you donate online just ensure that you mention that your gift should go directly to the Class of ’67 Scholarship.

Please call either one of us or any other member of the Class of ’67 Scholarship committee if you have any questions.  We would enjoy hearing from you.  Or, you can contact the school’s Director of Alumni Relations, Christopher Zanghi ’95, at 716-270-4115 or

Warmest regards,

John Hart          Dale Tepas

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