61st Birthday Party
Gene and Fran have a solemn moment, as Gene struggles to take a picture of his foot!
"If you had Super Powers, you'd be able to do this!" as John dazzles Danny!
Joe rushes in where fools fear to tread!
We must not worry, eventually John will figure out what the utensils are for!
To the amazement of Tom and Dave, Tom Lynch does a perfect impression of Flash!
John Hart didn't join in!
"Hey Paul, that Puzio-guy is drinkn' wine!?"
Joe Wolf finally caught in the middle!
Hey Bob, when someone says 'Cheese', it doesn't mean 'eat it'!
OK, sorry ... how many laps?!
Commonly known as "The Three Hams" Jim, Joe, and Paul pose for their glamour shots!
With one hand tied behind his back, Mike attempts to catch some zzz's, as Jimmy explains the finer points of Yule Brenner look-alike contests!
"You toucha me again, and ..."
Dave Palaszewski didn't find his way to the merriment!
Tommy and Jack reenact the Cuban Missle Crisis! "I think the other guy just blinked."
Seriously, 62 & on Social Security!
Cliff, the food is to your left, and the the bar isn't!
Kevin asks Dave DiCarlo and Karl Puzio if they've seen his glasses, as Tony seeks alms!
"OMG I came back another year for this!"
Do you get the feeling that they were up to no good!?
Tim is caught advising an attorney: "Paul, I gotta tell ya, I'm amazed that Reegs is taking a picture and you haven't covered your dome!"
Kevin whistles in relief, as Bob & he take a break from Joe Wolf's history of the Prussian Army!
A little white lightnin', and the light shone upon him - Amen!
"Cmon, sing along 'O when da Saints ...'"
"OK, one last time ... take your hand off me, or Guido, over here, is gonna take care of things!"
"Danny, this is called 'Walking the dog' ... " 2 yoyo's caught in the act!
"We're in the spotlight ... know any good geriatric jokes?"