13th Annual Russ Giordano Memorial Lunch It's nice that T found a job - as our doorman!
Billy demonstrates an harrassment technique, and Tony appropriately responds!
Kevin says that Billy sent him, and Tony implores relief!
Tom gives us his cautioning stare!
Ron & Dave save Tony! Really happy to see Ron Morsicato at an RGML!
Larry asks "Does this stuff ever stop?!"
Joe answers with "Gee, I hope not!"
Paul shows off how we used to keep time!
Gene & John
Dale snaps an arthritic salute!
Dave & Jim
All those that couldn't join us!
John gives us the word, as Gene waits for him to get thirsty!
Fran's Pictures aka Le Paparazzo Canadien
Dale & Bill
Ron & Dan
Paul, Kevin, & Russ
Tom, Tony, & Dave
Dale, fresh from the "Shine a Ball" barber, awakes​ with a start, as Gene, Fred, and Tom witness the epiphany!
then pulls his Glock ...
Paul, Dale, Bill, and Ed enjoy the show!